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Making Choices, Making Money: Your Guide to Making Confident Financial Decisions


Jeff uses an exciting, fresh approach to personal finance.  He starts with the decision process.  If you learn a great decision process and surround it with great tools, then amazing personal finance outcomes will follow.  He approaches personal finance broadly.  It is not just typical financial decisions like savings accounts, homes, or retirement.  Important life decisions with significant wealth impact are addressed, like a college education or career decisions.


The book comes with professor-supported access to Definitive Choice

For GMU College Students: Book - Making Choices, Making Money and app licen

  • Making Choices, Making Money:  Your Guide to Making Confident Financial Decisions is a paperback book supporting Personal FInance classes and seminars.  The book includes access to smartphone decision tools. 

    The total book price ($50) is for the book ($25) and access to the apps, and technology support for the classroom instruction ($25).

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