Back by popular demand! Professor Hulett delivers a workshop to help you with your taxes!
Do you want to do your taxes on your own but would appreciate a little guidance and access to tax expertise?
Professor Hulett helps you build confidence by walking through the process. He uses content from his university class and aggregates from many other credible sources. The learner receives access to short videos and textual information to help you be the captain of your tax process.
As a bonus, the learner receives a copy of Professor Hulett's book, Making Choices, Making Money. This provides smartphone tools and an introduction to a lifetime of great financial decisions.
When:Â Weekend sessions - March 2, March 3, and March 30. Weekday session - April 2.
Weekend time:Â 11a-12:30p, plus Q&A following the program
Weekday time:Â 7p-8:30p, plus Q&A following the program
Location: Video Conference
Cost:Â $150 / learner
Group discounts available